A SHOPPER who helped tackle a thief fleeing security guards in a town centre said today: "More people should stand up and be counted."

The thief was escaping through Northgate, Blackburn, with several expensive coats taken from nearby Debenhams.

Security guards were losing the chase as the thief outpaced them -- until the shopper's intervention.

He spotted the incident and immediately prepared to rugby tackle, but realised the thief was running too quickly.

Instead he stuck out a leg, tripping up the thief and sending him flying into a wall. The thief tried to run away again, but failed due to his slight injuries from the fall. The incident happened on Tuesday at around midday

The shopper, 57, did not want to be identified for fear of reprisals but said: "I saw him with an armful of coats and it was obvious something was wrong.

"He was a really fast-running guy and all I could do was stick a leg out. I think more people should be prepared to stand up and be counted.

"We have to let them know we will not turn a blind eye."

Inspector Jim Ellis, from Blackburn Police, said: "We would ask people to think of their own safety first in incidents such as this. However we do applaud this man's actions."

Stephen Crolley, manager of Debenhams, said: "The gentlemen concerned did very kindly help out our store detectives and they are grateful for his assistance.

"The guards informed me as soon as they returned to the store and I will be contacting the gentleman involved to thank him personally."