PENSIONER Betty Wilkinson is hoping to 'baldly' go to the rescue of an East Lancashire theatre - by taking part in a sponsored head shave.

Grandma Betty, 72, of Kirkstone Avenue, Cherry Tree, needs to raise £1,000 to become a 'rogue' at Blackburn's Thwaites Theatre.

The theatre, which opened in Blackburn Road a year ago, needs to raise £150,000 to pay for a new balcony. And it hopes to recruit 150 'rogues', who will each raise £1,000, to make the dream come true.

Betty plans to hit her target by shearing off her locks.

She said: "My husband James and I have been involved in the theatre from the start, but we really wanted to be a part of it. I initially planned a sponsored slim, but I decided I liked my food too much, so I thought I would do a sponsored head shave. James thinks I'm a bit silly, but it is a bit different. My son thinks I'm mad, but my daughter has sponsored me, although I don't know if she really approves.

"I am getting a bit nervous, even though my hair is already short. But I won't back out now because of the money I have been promised.

"I plan to buy woolly hats to wear during the cold weather and even get one with sequins on for Christmas. You've just got to go with the flow."

Theatre project director Michael Berry said: "We have already managed to recruit around 35 'rogues', including Ken Dodd."

Betty's headshave will take place during a scene in The Donald Banks Show, which will be staged at the Thwaites Theatre on November 14.

All 'rogues' will have their pictures hung in a special 'rogues gallery' at the theatre.