ON a warm and balmy evening in August we had a 'summer party' in our garden - the first for three years.

We invited various friends and neighbours and set up party lights and music.

The party was a great success, with dancing on the patio until the early hours.

The police arrived and informed us that they had had complaints and we needed to turn the music down - they were very friendly and we duly did as they requested.

Now bear in mind we were all '30 somethings' with families at home, on a very respectable road - we were not drunken louts running amok. We were simply having a good time and letting our hair down.

You can imagine our disbelief several weeks later when a letter arrives from Wyre Borough Council informing of a 'noise nuisance' complaint relating to 'annual party' -- we hadn't had one for three years! How sad that people can't 'live and let live' -- it was a 'one-off' - it is a poor reflection on our society that there are sad, miserable people who can't bear to see others having a good time and have nothing better to do with their time than waste it on pathetic letters to the Council -- obviously complaining to the police was not enough for these killjoys. I am sure WBC have better things to do than waste resources on the latter, surely our council tax doesn't go to fund this?

I would be interested to know why the residents around Ormont Avenue felt it so necessary to prompt such a bitter and twisted response

I know in my heart they won't respond as they are probably the sort to hide behind their nets.

Oh well, all I can say is get a life!

Alison & Stephen Kilmartin

Ormont Avenue

Thornton Cleveleys