IT WAS interesting to read the observations of your correspondent, bemoaning the accident situation at the junction of North Drive with Luton Road, Anchorsholme. While sharing his concern I can't agree with his conclusion.

The mini roundabout is a calming measure for traffic on North Drive, and surely wasn't introduced to improve access at the junction for traffic using Luton Road.

There are 'give way' (instructive) signs, supplemented by carriageway markings on both approaches along Luton Road, and the carriageway markings are set back from the roundabout. The 'give way' sign does not imply 'give way to traffic from the right only'.

The introduction of the mini roundabout, together with the 'give way' traffic sign, has brought confusion and grief to many motorists in various parts of the country. Neither Central nor Local Government, or the police, are interested in non-injury accident statistics and the mini roundabout problem is ignored. Yet the difference between non-injury accidents and fatal or serious accidents is said to be 'an act of God'.

May I suggest your correspondent positions himself near to the junction, to observe driver behaviour while dressed in normal clothing, then repeats the exercise wearing a high visibility jacket and carrying a clipboard or camera. He will see a different pattern of drive behaviour -- particularly by those using Luton Road. As an investigator working for most of the motor insurers, I have interviewed drivers, witnesses and driving instructors, following five separate accidents at this junction. Based on their evidence I concluded that speed of approach along Luton Road and drivers failing to comply with the traffic sign, was the cause.

There was no evidence of traffic speed on North Drive being contributory!

Mr Wheeler

White Beam Close Thornton