AS a member of Bury Art Society, I was dismayed to learn of the forthcoming closure of the Bury Arts and Crafts Centre, and the proposal to use it as the new home of the Regimental Museum.

I appreciate that old buildings which are part of our heritage need to be upgraded, and their facilities brought up to 21st century standard if we are to make the best use of them, but to many people this proposal for change of use seems to defy all logic.

Here was have a building, custom-made for arts and crafts with studios and other facilities, which has served local people excellently for many years and which would be hard to replicate. Now it is to be converted at considerable cost for a totally different purpose!

As an exercise in cost saving, would it not be preferable to upgrade and preserve the current nature of the building? This would encourage the people of Bury to use it to its full potential, rather than the council incurring yet further expense in providing alternative accommodation for arts and crafts studies.

The proposed change of use has left some people questioning whether there isn't some hidden agenda!

The annual Art Society exhibition currently running at the centre graphically demonstrates the suitability of the building for its present purpose, and I strongly commend it to the people of Bury.