THE national SureStart scheme has to be applauded as a government initiative for its help given to families with a background of poverty, living in highly deprived areas.

The current widespread local opposition to the building in Bury of an extensive two-storey SureStart centre and administration block by Redvales SureStart is based mainly on its proposed location.

There is plenty of land around Bury that is available and which has been previously built upon, and also where there may be more social need for such a centre. Bury is second only to Wigan in having the most derelict land available.

The "green" bound by Dorset Drive, Rutland Drive and Alfred Street, known as Monkey Hill Green, is used daily by local people, dog-walkers and children. A survey conducted by the Springs Project earlier this year showed a desire for better drainage and a few swings and benches to be placed there.

The land is identified as "Protected Recreation Provision" in Bury Council's Unitary Development Plan (UDP). This is our last green in the Fishpool and Springs area. Many locals have enjoyed it for more than 30 years and have seen their children and grandchildren play on it. We want to keep it for the enjoyment of our children and adults for generations to come.

If Redvales SureStart want this opportunity, then they should build it elsewhere, perhaps even in Redvales.

We would be interested in the comments of others and can be contacted at Europa House, Barcroft Street, Bury BL9 5BT or by email on or through our new website at



Save Our Springs.