AS reported in the Bury Times (October 17), residents of Parkhills Road (and Wellington Road) are still complaining about the speed and vibration caused by the volume of traffic.

This problem has arisen since the speed humps were installed and will not be solved until the borough engineer accepts that they were a mistake in the first place! The highway committee backed the borough engineer and the only concession made so far on Parkhills Road is the removal of the raised platform outside the primary school, after residents objected for two years!

An article in the Sunday Times reported that in Derby the council is removing humps they have installed and stated: "Around the country, drivers and residents are rising up and some councils are being forced to rip them up".

Residents in Fishpool welcomed the 20mph order but soon realised that it had made little difference because the order would be mainly self-enforcing. Orders for 20mph limits are in the process of being published for other areas but, from my experience, drivers will ignore them. Perhaps the borough engineer would like to try and drive down Parkhills Road in the rush hour at 20mph.

Finally, in trying to placate the Fishpool residents, the HGV order was installed even though it was pointed out by myself and Greater Manchester Police that it would be virtually impossible to enforce. GMP advised that "our concern is that residents' expectations will be too high". In other words, that order too would be mainly self-enforcing.

All these traffic orders cost money to set up; I estimate spending in the region of £200,000 in Fishpool alone, to install the humps and signs. The money would have been better spent on improvements to the pavements.