THERE'S always some prat who ignores regulations and spoils a good thing for everyone.

Athertonian Harold Baugh has contacted me to ask what is happening in Atherton town centre.

He says cars are being driven through the so-called pedestrian area at a rate of knots by the arrogant (the signs don't apply to me), the ignorant (I don't care) and the blind (I didn't see the signs, officer).

It's true, I've seen them with my own eyes as I've waited to cross Market Street from Smith Street and drive on to Stanley Street to stay within the law.

Bicycles too are being ridden on the pavements by school children suffering the same diseases, and last time I was there the new big bus shelter had been smashed.

Perhaps these are complaints that could be taken up by the new Township Forum which discussed the pedestrianisation scheme at the last meeting and submitted their ideas to the council's engineers' department for consideration.