ON Remembrance Day, I wonder how many poppies are worn with pride and gratitude to the honour of the men or women of this and other lands who gave their lives through two world wars and other conflicts.

The massive battle of the Western front, the Dardenelles, later of Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain, the Desert campaign, Europe again, Burma, the ocean and seas which became graves for so many brave souls, even captured and murdered by the Japanese, the men and women on the home front, deprived, battered and disillusioned by six weary years of war.

On Remembrance Sunday you saw pious politicians with bowed heads standing silent, some waiting their turn to lay a wreath of poppies.

Not many are left of the wartime generation and the numbers dwindle quickly. We should never forget, or be allowed to forget, how much we owe to this fading generation.

We just don't seem to care anymore.

ERIC BATES Marsden Road, Burnley