A MAJOR hunt was today under way for a conman, known as the Watchman, who is believed to have preyed on scores of pensioners across the county.

He has evaded detection for six years and one of his latest strikes, in Blackburn, has prompted the police major crime unit to set up a special operation aimed at finally snaring him.

His tally of crimes is officially 35, but officers believe the true number maybe far higher due to pensioners not reporting incidents out of embarrassment.

The Watchman spots vulnerable pensioners -- his oldest known victim was 91 -- and finds out their name by asking neighbours. Sometimes he calls himself Alan.

A week later he returns and gains their trust with his new knowledge and offers to sell them a pocket watch -- the reason for his nickname.

He asks if they have anything to sell and invites himself into their home.

Once inside, he says he needs change for a £10 or £20 note and watches where pensioner gets the purse from.

Minutes later, the Watchman will most often distract the pensioner and steal their purse.

However, he also has an eye for antiques and will return a week later to burgle his victims' houses if he spots something valuable.

It was this technique he used for the burglary in Hawkshead Street, off Redlam, Blackburn, which helped prompt the major hunt.

That was on October 14 when he stole £1,200 of items, including an antique mirror, barometer and vases from a 79-year-old man. A week earlier he had stolen the man's purse containing £35 in cash after talking his way inside.

Towards the end of October, the Watchman is believed to have conned two more pensioners in the Chorley area.

Over the past six years he has also struck in Accrington, Darwen, Church, Cleveleys and Preston.

Until now officers have been left with no trace of the man due to the pensioners he tries to pick, such as the 79-year-old man who was partially sighted and not able to give a description.

But, after the report of the Watchman burgling the pensioner appeared in the Lancashire Evening Telegraph in mid-October, another Blackburn pensioner came forward to say he had tried and failed to trick her.

She provided police with a detailed description from which the artist's impression was produced.

The new information prompted the major crime unit to get involved as officers believe that the likeness may finally enable them to trace the Watchman.

DC Sonja Francis, of the major crime unit, said detectives had been aware that the 35 crimes were linked for some time.

She added: "We have had nothing on him in the past but now hopefully we can get him through this operation to target this Watchman.

"We have 35 crimes with the same modus operandi but we believe he has done a lot more.

"It is despicable because he is preying on elderly people."

DC Tom Riley, of the burglary team for Blackburn which is working with the major crime unit, added: "We appeal for anyone who recognises the man to come forward. He has two grey streaks in his hair which are very distinctive."

Anyone with information should call DC Francis on 01772 416119 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.