A BURNLEY man has been honoured for his voluntary service to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Mike Hart, the Burnley and Pendle branch's transport manager, is one of only 50 volunteers in the country to be presented with an award at a ceremony to mark the Society's 50th anniversary.

The 58-year-old became involved with the MS Society after retiring from his job at the Michelin factory in Burnley, where he worked for 30 years, through ill health.

He said: "I saw an advert for volunteer drivers, so I went along and got the job. It's gone on from there."

Mike, who lives in Horning Crescent, with his wife Sandra, takes sufferers for treatment at the branch's therapy centre in Barrowford, where they have a gym, physiotherapists and an aromatherapist, and to evening events. He also gets involved in the branch's fundraising events and organises day trips for the members.

He said: "I enjoy the driving and meeting different people. It is also a way for me to put something back into the community. For some people the day trips are their only chance to get out and about, and we have a laugh."

Ken Johnson, who has been chairman of the Burnley and Pendle branch of the MS Society for two years, said: "The committee nominated Mike for the award because members felt he deserved recognition for the amount of work that he does for our branch.

"Since becoming a volunteer driver for us about four years ago he has expanded the role and is now our transport manager. He looks after the mini-bus, organises day trips, helps out at fundraising events and serves on the committee.

"Mike is a very welcome part of our branch who is always there for members and always cheerful. He is a really great guy and is a good example of what a volunteer should be."

Mike was presented with his award at a special ceremony in Birmingham, which he attended with his wife Sandra, and Ken.

The branch has more than 100 members. It has a centre in Barrowford, which offers therapy for sufferers as well as information and advice.

It also holds regular meetings and day trips, and organises fundraising activities.