I remember reading a letter in Dear Massi about fasting.

I have a similar issue with my children and my husband. My children are now in their late teens and whilst they used to fast when they were younger they seem to have become very complacent.

I blame my husband for their behaviour because he doesn't fast at all and it is causing many arguments within our household. When I bring the subject up he makes up silly, childish excuses but what infuriates me more is that he does it in front of our children. It is very embarrassing for me and I have tried everything.

I don't think I should even have to bring this issue up but I feel it is my duty to show my children the right path.

The blessed month of Ramadan comes but once a year and I dread it now for it brings out the worst in our household. I even had someone close to us mention they saw my son eating in the town centre. What can I do?



Massi says,

This is obviously getting you down but first of all you shouldn't blame yourself. I know it can be frustrating especially during Ramadan.

But if your husband is not taking his religious duites seriously then it is HIS problem and he will answer to it. All you can do as a wife is continue to show him the right path. If he chooses not to follow your good example then all you can do is carry on.

Your husband though should know better and I'm sure he must feel some guilt when his wife tells him to fast. Your children should be able to think for themselves if they are in there teens. Don't make them take sides and explain to them they are following their religious obligations for themselves.

Also, you didn't say in you letter whether your partner is a good husband in other areas of your relationship. If he is I suggest you don't give up on him and he will change his ways.