I am a single Muslim woman in my late twenties and want to get married.

But the more I try to find the right mate the more it seems impossible. I have a successful career and have been introduced to many 'suitors' by my family. I am not a fussy person but the people I have met do not have the personality I am looking for.

I have also tried various matrimonial agencies but the men in there tend to be in their mid-thirties, set in their ways and with very little knowledge of what women want.

I went to meet a gentleman only recently after we exchanged details over the website. But he tended to talk more about himself and his career than anything else.

Some of the men I have met seem to think they are 'gods gift to women' and think we will settle for anything. I was recently introduced to a man who if I had met him ten years ago I wouldn't even have considered saying hello to him. I gave it a chance and my instincts proved right. Is this what we are left with?.

I am becoming increasingly frustrated with the whole thing and as I approach thirty feel I might only be left with men who could not get married anywhere else. For a Muslim woman I feel it is more difficult to find the perfect partner. Is there any hope?



I don't think you should give up hope so quickly. It is not a race who finds the most suitable partner the quickest.

I understand it is difficult at times but there are also men who have similar problems in finding the right partner.

You say you have tried matrimonial agencies but it is important to give people a chance. Meeting someone need not happen like it does in the movies. You should also not let bad experiences taint your view of other people.

If you find men their thirties slightly 'off-putting' how about looking at ones your own age who might understand you better. You might also be looking in the wrong places but the important thing is not to give up hope and not to think you will remain alone forever.

It is a fear I am familiar with but I do suggest to readers it is important for it not to rule your whole life.