A GROUP of 15 breastfeeding mums is campaigning for better facilities for newborn babies after struggling to find a venue for its Christmas do.

The Breast of Buddies group was formed at Sure Start Darwen in May 2002 as a support group for breastfeeding mums.

The aim of the group is to promote the benefits of breastfeeding to new mums and to educate society generally in a bid to make it acceptable again.

This month the group had problems finding a venue for their Christmas meal because of a lack of facilities for babies, such as private feeding and changing rooms and plenty of high chairs and breastfeeding mums in some local pubs.

Although it has now booked at the Ranken Arms, in Hoddlesden, member Michelle Atkin said more places need to think about their facilities.

Michelle, 35, is now employed as a breast feeding support worker and is trained to visit mums in their homes and give advice and support.

She said: "There are some horrendous problems with mothers who breastfeed and have been asked to leave premises.

"Many are asked to go and do it in the toilet but you wouldn't eat in a toilet yourself so why should a baby? It is appalling."

The group, which has had more than 50 members since it opened, meets every Thursday in the Sure Start cafe, in Lord Street.

Members are encouraged to feed their youngsters there and other cafe-users accept the practice.

Michelle, who lives with her husband, Nigel, 30, in Newton Street, Darwen, has breastfed all five of her children.

She still feeds her youngest, Lucas, who is two and says the world average for ceasing to breastfeed is six years old.

She said: "Support group members know they should be doing it and what they are supposed to do, but it doesn't come naturally to all women.

"Once they have done it though and are used to it they don't need us anymore. Another part of the group is to campaign for better facilities because there is a lack of proper baby facilities.

"Many places have a room for changing but not for feeding.

"I am happy to sit in the town centre and breastfeed but many mums don't want to be on show and want to go somewhere private."

Members of the group now plan to ask businesses in Darwen, including pubs, cafes and shops, to display posters saying that mums are welcome to breastfeed there.

To find out more about Breast of Buddies call Michelle on 07745 350645.