A BREWERY is urging its landlords to help cut drink-drive accidents by pushing the sale of soft drinks.

Bosses at Daniel Thwaites, which has 70 pubs in Lancashire, have annouced the campaign

It comes weeks after shock figures showed the third year-on-year rise of motorists being caught over the limit in the county.

And Nick Rees, retail marketing executive, said the brewery was determined to get the message across ahead of the Christmas period when incidents of drink driving traditionally rise.

He wants landlords to create imaginative displays of soft-drinks behind the bars to encourage motorists to stay away from booze.

And landlords will pick up rewards for imaginative shelves.

Mr Rees said: "The festive season is the busiest time of year for the licensed trade.

"We are determined to get the responsible 'don't drink-drive' message across.

"The winning displays will be the ones judged to convey a responsible and caring attitude towards non-alcoholic drinkers."