READING the new policy council's targets was in itself educational. I didn't realise that there still existed so many ways of saying absolutely nothing, while at the same time giving the impression that one is making a profound statement.

Over the years, people have become much more aware of hearing meaningless political statements, but this one certainly gives a new meaning to the word 'gobbledegook.'

Studying the 'policies' and trying to make some sense of them I found, for the most part, they seemed to consist of statements saying that they will in future carry out the duties that they have always had an obligation to do for the pat 100 or so years.

In other words -- we will now start doing our jobs.

If councillors did what they were supposed to do and represented their constituents instead of playing at being big businessmen, then they would serve the town far better.

L LAWES, Bold Street, Blackburn.