I WOULD like to try and correct some misconceptions about wind power. Firstly, this form of electricity generation is not as clean or green as it appears.

The wind is only blowing for about one third of the time, so for two thirds of the time we are dependent on conventional power stations, nuclear or otherwise. These never shut down, even when the wind is blowing, and therefore polluting constantly.

With only a small amount of power generated by the wind the power stations can cope with fluctuations in demand, but, if the dependency on wind power where to rise, then we would find ourselves in the same position as Denmark - having to buy power from European neighbours when there is no wind and having to pay vastly increased prices for it.

Germany is in the same position with about 18 per cent of energy coming from wind power. It also has to buy power to balance the vagaries of the wind (at about 18 times wholesale cost) or practically give power away when it's windy.

The only people who benefit from wind power, are the companies who erect and operate the wind farms. These farms attract government grants to build and there is also profit to be made from the sale of power into the national grid.

I don't propose to enter into the arguments about visual pollution, noise, harm to wildlife habit, as these objections to wind power have been covered adequately by several others.

The Government seems blinkered by the propaganda put out by proponents of wind power and other forms of renewable energy research are being stifled of funds.

Tidal power, wave power and even in this country solar power, are all deserving of greater research funding.

J HEYS (Mr), Commercial Street, Rossendale.