A COOK book produced by Colne residents as part of an award-winning project has been published.

Colne Recipe Book features traditional and modern recipes alongside contributions from celebrity chef Paul Heathcote.

It was created as part of the Food in Pendle project, which won two Green Apple Environmental Awards earlier this month. The council-backed project was run by volunteers to find the eating habits of people in Pendle and what barriers prevented people eating more healthily.

Council spokesman Helen Blyth said: "The project showed that many people don't have time to cook and instead are eating fast or convenience foods which can be more expensive and not necessarily as nutritional. From this came the idea of a book of recipes that people could cook quickly and easily.

"The recipes are often of dishes that many residents in Colne remember from their childhood. The book is selling well."

Proceeds from the book, priced £2.50, will go to Burnley and Pendle Hospice.