PRETTY as a picture. That's Prestwich carnival royalty.

The group hosted their annual Court of Queens event at the Longfield Suite on Sunday (Jan 4) and welcomed scores of visiting queens, princesses, rosebuds and petals from around the region.

Pictured is Prestwich Carnival Queen Joanne Bailey (18) in the foreground (left) with other Prestwich royalty and visiting queens in the background.

The Longfield Suite was packed with girls dressed in their finery to represent the area in which they live and judges voted for the best dressed on the day.

Guests of honour for the event were the Mayor and Mayoress of Bury, Coun Wilf Davison and his wife Maureen, and MP Ivan Lewis.

Members of Prestwich Lions were also on hand to help out to run the tombola and a raffle was held to boost funds for carnival charities.

The event is the last chance for all the queens to gather before Prestwich Carnival in June.