IT'S a hat-trick for a Blackburn primary school after impressing education inspectors three times in ten years.

St Gabriel's CE Primary School, Blackburn, has been told for a second time it has no key issues to look at and that it was "very effective."

Headteacher Harry Sharples was praised for his outstanding leadership and management, and inspectors applauded the support from staff and the governing body.

But the school was told to do more to encourage pupils to learn about other cultures.

Chairman of governors, Keith Fitzhenry, said: "We are delighted to have received such a very good report. The success of the school is based on a sense of joint purpose which binds together all members of the school community."

The inspectors said curriculum standards in core subjects like maths, English and science were well above average, and above average in subjects such as geography, history, art, music and information technology. The report said: "Pupils achieve well throughout the school, both in relation to the performance of pupils in other schools, and compared to their own prior learning. Pupils' attitudes to learning are very good, as is their behaviour.

"The views of parents and carers is that this is a very good school where the staff care deeply for their children."

Coun Mahfooz Hussain, executive member for education and lifelong Learning with Blackburn with Darwen Council, said: "Congratulations and well done for this excellent and extremely positive report."

Pictured, left to right, with Harry Sharples, are pupils Adam Cook, six; Shameema Yusuf, seven; Ross Cousins, 10; Sophie Tomlinson, 11; Natalie Round, 9; Jack Gudgeon, eight; Megan Reedy, four, and school chair of governors, Keith Fitzhenry.