YOUR article in The Citizen about the Toucan crossing near Tesco made interesting reading, but no matter how many safety features are incorporated into a crossing, it doesn't stop motorists from going through the lights when they are on red.

I live in North Shore and use the Pelican crossing outside Uncle Tom's Cabin every day. I walk my dog three times a day, which means that I cross the road six times, and on at least one occasion every day a car goes through the red light.

In the past I've contacted the council and I've contacted the police. Three months after I wrote to the police they sent someone up to watch the crossing -- on a wet Wednesday afternoon in February!

Needless to say they saw no-one -- but they had to be seen to be doing something. At 8.30am or 5pm they'd see several!

My concern is that sooner or later there will be an accident. I suppose then something might be done.

Kathleen Wilsdon, via e-mail