A CLITHEROE church is celebrating 40 years of panto performances.

Trinity Methodist Church held its first pantomime, a performance of 'Aladdin', in 1964.

It was produced by Bertha Bradshaw from a script by the Rev Ronald Jobling.

The show involved more than 100 people, aged four to 60, from the church

And this year the church is celebrating with a reunion and exhibition of memorabilia and a performance of Aladdin.

The reunion takes place on January 17.

Organiser Roland Hailwood said he would like to hear from anyone who has been involved with any of the 40 pantomimes either on-stage or back-stage.

He said: "If anyone has any posters or photos, particularly from earlier shows, we would love to use them." Letters and e-mails of recollections are also welcome, said Roland.

Aladdin will be performed on January 29, 30 and 31 and February 5, 6, and 7.

Contact Roland on 01200 424240 or e-mail roland.hail

wood @talk21.com