I MUST admit, I had to smile to myself after reading Andy Neild's report of the Birmingham City match (LET Jan 5), in which he described Rovers as passionless, inconsistent, abysmal defensively and shocking.

Strong words, and I'm sure anybody who was at St Andrew's would echo them to the letter.

What made me smile however, was Andy's nomination of Robbie Savage as the villain of the game. "Is there a more irritating player in the Premier League?" asked Andy.

I am not Savage's biggest fan by any means, but from the second he sets foot on the pitch to the time he leaves, he is totally committed to his side's cause, chasing, harrying and being a thorn in everyone's side. Opposition players are looking nervously over their shoulders to see where he is.

Show the tape of the match to our lads, Graeme, ask every player to watch Savage's contribution and there may be some red faces at Brockhall.

ROGER BALL, Hawthorne Place,


Andy named Savage as the 'villain' from the Rovers' perspective, recognising what a thorn in the side he was for the Blackburn players.