MR Alexander Gordon makes several errors in his letter of January 6 regarding spending vis a vis Blackburn and Darwen.

Firstly, he states that the article in the Lancashire Evening Telegraph "proves" Darwen does not get its fair share. This is simply not the case as the figures given for Darwen include North Turton, an area which in terms of wealth is amongst the top 10 per cent in the country. I have never met a person living in North Turton (Edgworth, Chapeltown, Belmont, Entwistle, etc.) who considers themselves to be part of Darwen.

This skews the figures for Darwen considerably as North Turton receives very little regeneration funding or special grants etc.

If Mr Gordon or anyone else I represent wishes to receive a copy of the report the article was based on all they have to do is contact me. He will find that the reality does not match the headline!

Finally, Mr Gordon states "we were always in the black when Darwen had its own council before 1973." This was not the case as Darwen Council in common with most others, had debts which were transferred to the new Blackburn Council in 1974 when local government reorganisation took place throughout the country.

Councillor DAVE SMITH (Sunnyhurst Ward) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council.

FOOTNOTE: The council's own documents list North Turton as one of seven Darwen wards (compared with 16 Blackburn wards). If Coun Smith removes North Turton ward from Darwen for statistical convenience surely one of Blackburn's equally affluent wards should also be removed to give a balanced result. -- Editor.