FORMER police officer Alan Trainor sprung into action when an accident caused traffic chaos near his home.

Though it's 45 years since he left the force 77-years-old Alan's point duty expertise came in handy to clear congestion on Newton Road, Lowton, in Monday morning's rush hour after a motor cyclist was involved in a collision with a car.

The ex-Lancashire County cop was upstairs at his Newton Road home when he saw traffic building up towards both Lane Head and Leigh, and realised a crash near the junction with Norwood Avenue was causing the problem.

Without a second thought he went out to take command of the situation and within half an hour cleared the way for an ambulance to attend the scene.

Wife Joyce said: "He was very brave, and is still a policeman through and through after all these years. He went out without even a coat on to free up the blockage.

"He just stood in the middle of the road and I watched him direct the traffic. I was very proud of him. He was dressed in a blue jumper so he was wearing the right colours".

Alan, who after leaving the force in 1958 started his own haulage business said: "I had plenty of experience of point duty when I was in the police at Leigh. I used to be sent on summer traffic duties in Blackpool and Morecambe."

The motor cyclist involved was treated by a nurse from a nearby surgery before the ambulance arrived.

Wigan Division Superintendent Peter Mason said: "We would like to thank Alan for his public spiritedness. It just goes to show that once trained he's never lost it. However, people must be aware of the dangers involved in directing traffic."