Like every single female under 25 in the country I welcomed the New Year with a string of hard-to-keep resolutions.

To be frank, I'm not even sure why I bothered, because within a week I'm back on the chocolate, have gained a stone and not gone to the gym once.

But as a justification I do make resolutions with the intention of trying very hard to keep's just that I tend to choose difficult resolutions.

So this year, (a year older, a year wiser) I decided not to keep any daft resolutions and wanted to have a motto for the year instead.

For those of you getting worried by the second as you read this, thinking that I'm going to pass some divine knowledge on to you now, I'm sorry to disappoint. My motto is simply something everyone in their life discovers for themselves.

OK I'll get to the point- I'm going to be happy every single day, do spontaneous things that I haven't yet done and live my life to its fullest. Hmm...maybe I should go back to making daft resolutions!

But if you think my promises are dippy, you should listen to the malarkey that politicians come out with at this time of the year.

With the elections fast approaching, they think it's their duty to inform us of what they will try to do (although the chances of them even trying is zilch).

They must think that we are dimwits to fall for their idle pledges. Listen to us you sneaky bunch, we'll teach you a thing or two about running the country!

In my opinion, all the parties are the same. It's only the way they dress that makes them different.

But a politician's promise pales into insignificance compared to the shoddy slogans some High Street chains have been coming out with during the sales. Don't they realise we know that something is never 'Only £9.99'. They always put the worrying stuff into the small print. That way we only find out about the 'excluding VAT and surcharge of £100 million' bit when we get home.

And as much as I loved the Christmassy feeling, a sale is just not a sale anymore, it's just a commercial stunt to increase the turnover of dying companies before end of year accounts.

Oh dear! I sound like the Grinch, so maybe Ill stop there.

So what did I do to welcome in the New Year? Last year I was out and about, but this year with my family away I curled up all alone in front of the telly watching re-runs. Now there's a resolution I can stick to.