A HIT and run driver killed a 34-year-old man as he crossed the road with a friend on the way home from a night out.

And today the grieving family of Shaun Metcalfe pleaded with the driver to hand themselves in to the police.

Shaun's cousin Catherine Metcalfe said: "They have taken away somebody's son, somebody's brother, somebody's cousin, somebody's uncle and they haven't even had the decency to stop to see if they were OK."

Shaun died after he was struck in Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle, opposite the Hare and Hounds pub at 3am on Sunday.

Police said he was hit by a dark-coloured car travelling away from Blackburn towards Accrington and was dead on arrival at Blackburn Infirmary.

His friend Mick Ashby, 35, was crossing the road with him but had reached the other side when Shaun was struck.

Police said the car stopped 40 yards further up the road and was put into reverse but was then driven off.

Shaun lived with his brother Mark, 35, and mother Jennifer, 51, in Ruskin Avenue, Oswaldtwistle.

He also had a sister Christine, 28, and eight nephews and nieces.

Catherine, 31, of West Crescent, Accrington, pleaded for the driver to give themselves up.

She added: "If they have got any heart at all they will give up and we will know what's happened. They have got to give themselves in. They have got to have a conscience.

"They couldn't live with that on their conscience knowing they have done that to a person.

"They didn't have to go and identify them, like my Aunty Jen did. "

Mark, Shaun's brother, said: "He was a very thoughtful person and would help you out with anything. He was much loved and also quiet and liked to keep himself to himself."

Shaun had worked as a wood-sprayer at Baron Mercers in William Street, Accrington, since leaving school and was also a part-time barman at the Hare and Hounds pub.

He had worked there on Saturday from 4pm to 8pm and had then spent the night drinking with friends.

His family said Shaun was an extremely popular man who loved socialising with his friends.

He had a great love for sea-fishing and travelled the country to do it, they said.

Shaun also loved playing pool, darts and dominoes with his friends at the Hare and Hounds.

Shaun's father Reg died suddenly three years ago and his sister Christine said: "We went through a bad time then. It's taken all this time to get over that.

"If I could speak to the person in the car, I would ask them why?

"Why did they just drive off? Why did they not stop? They could have stopped and had a look and just helped him."

Shaun's friend and fishing partner Steve Hudson, 43, of Spread Eagle Street, West End, Oswaldtwistle, said: "He was absolutely brilliant, a quiet, gentle giant.

"What's happened has upset the whole community."

Detective Superintendent Mick Gradwell said police had examined CCTV footage and added: "We want to appeal to the driver of the car to come forward and contact us.

"The driver stopped and put the car in reverse gear and obviously thought about getting out but then drove off.

"We are also appealing to anyone who saw the accident or knows anything about the accident to contact us."

Blackburn Police can be contacted on 01254 51212 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.