A CAR salesman is jetting off for the bright lights of Las Vegas after being judged one of the best in the country.

Dave Turner, 26, corporate account manager at Bowker BMW, Hyndburn Road, Accrington, will join nine other BMW salesmen on the trip to find out who is the best brand salesman in the nation. But first the former pupil of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Blackburn, must convince BMW bosses he is the best by giving a presentation.

Dave from Salesbury, used to valet at the garage in his school holidays. He said: "Although I'm the one going it is a team effort that has enabled me to reach the finals. I am very grateful to all the staff for their support."

The four day trip next month will see the finalists spending a day on a cattle ranch and taking a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon.

The winner will be announced at the end.