JOBS Night 2004 will be held at Pendle training, in Netherfield Road, Nelson, for young people wanting to gain vital career information.

The event will feature more than 30 local employers with at least 70 jobs for people to apply for on the night.

Recruitment teams from the Police, Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force will also be available to talk to young people.

Many of the jobs on offer will include training through the Modern Apprenticeship scheme, which allows young people to get qualifications while earning a wage.

The event is expected to be popular with year 11 pupils from schools across the area who will be looking to embark on a career later in the year.

It will also have information on offer for people aged 16 to 24 wishing to explore possible options for changing their career or getting a better job.

Representatives from Connexions and the Learning and Skills Council will be at the event to help young people with other issues or enquiries and people currently involved in Modern Apprenticeships will be giving their views on the scheme.

Pendle Training manager Steve Tomlinson said: "Qualified staff from a range of sectors will be available to answer any questions that young people or their parents may have. It's also a great chance to meet local employers and find out more about all kinds of jobs."

For more information about the event being held from 5pm to 9pm on February 19 call 01282 724200.