READING this month's council propaganda news sheet, The Shuttle, I see that yet another independent set of auditors has pronounced Blackburn 'Excellent and improving.' Anyone who is familiar with the services provided to the town by its council must surely be as amazed as I am by such a decision.

They seemed particularly pleased with the so-called 'Thrash the Trash' initiative, so perhaps they could explain why I have been walking past the same pile of rubbish on the highway on Balaclava Street for the past five years.

Perhaps also they could explain away the appalling condition of the local parks and recreation areas that are essential to the wellbeing of a thriving town.

Possibly, like me they have come to the conclusion that Blackburn consists only of an area within a quarter mile radius of the Town Hall, as this is the only place that monies for improvements seem to be spent on.

L LAWES, Bold Street, Blackburn.