A MAN doing a friend a favour by taking her to see her son in prison ended up behind bars himself.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Kevin Banks was subject to four separate bans when he was caught driving while disqualified for the tenth time.

And the magistrates said they did not need pre-sentence reports before sentencing Banks to an immediate custodial sentence.

"We do no believe that any report would alter our decision," said the chairman, jailing Banks for five months for driving while disqualified and a further month for giving false details to the police officer who stopped him on the M65.

Banks, 38, of Parkinson Street, Burnley, pleaded guilty to disqualified driving and obstructing a police officer.

Clare Fanning, prosecuting, said Banks had not passed an extended re-test since he was convicted of dangerous driving and disqualified driving in September 2000.

Since then he had been caught behind the wheel on three further occasions and banned again.

On the most recent occasion he was also made subject to a community rehabilitation order for two years.

Nick Dearing, defending, said Banks had foolishly agreed to help a female friend who wanted to visit her son in prison.