COUNCILLORS are set to rubber-stamp plans to demolish two dilapidated community centres at tonight's executive meeting.

The plans have been welcomed by residents who say the facilities are eyesores that are repeatedly targeted by vandals.

Burnley Council plans to demolish two of it's six community buildings - Bleak House and the Burnley Wood over-50s centre - to allow them to focus its support other facilities.

A report to the executive said the buildings are not being used and are in a poor state of repair.

The council aims to allow community management committees to decide the future of the rest of its community facilities including Ennismore Street Community Centre, Kibble Bank, Phoenix and Sycamore.

Councillor Janice Swainston, the executive member responsible for social welfare, said: "Community buildings can play a key role in strengthening local communities. The potential for people to become involved in the management and running of their local community building can lead to a greater sense of pride in and responsibility for their local community."

Brian Fenn, a spokesman for Burnley Wood Residents' Action Group, said: "The over-50s centre has not been used for sometime because they now use the One Stop Shop for their lunch clubs.

"Instead the building is now boarded-up, vandalised and used as a climbing frame for kids in the area. The building is a derelict eyesore which would be better off demolished."

The executive is recommended to approve the demolition proposals at tonight's meeting.