A BURNLEY project is appealing for volunteers to give town centre clubbers information on recreational drugs.

The Dance Drug Safety Project was set up in Burnley in April 2002 to warn revellers about "dance" drugs, such as ecstasy, amphetamines and alcohol, sexual health issues and how to get home safely after a night out.

The project came in response to research which revealed that many young people accepted the use of recreational drugs, such as alcohol, ecstasy and amphetamines, as part of youth culture.

Research also found that young people received information largely through friends, observation and their own experimentation.

Volunteers give out packs containing sweets, condoms and matches, information and safety tips on drug use and information on help points set up around Burnley to ensure they wait in a safe place for friends or taxis.

Due to the rise in sexual diseases in the area and drug-related sexual assaults, the pack also has information on sexual health issues and local agencies which deal with these issues.

Paula Slinger, project co-ordinator, said: "The reason for giving information to people out at pubs and clubs is because it is very unlikely that people would go to agencies because recreational drugs are not seen as problematic among young people. Handing these packs out in this way can reach as many as 1,000 people in one night compared with the odd person going into an agency to collect leaflets and speak to someone."

The Dance Drug Safety Project also operates in Blackpool and Preston nightspots. Funding for the project was provided by Communities Against Drugs in Burnley.

Volunteers, who msut be over 18, will receive drug awareness training. Contact Paula on 01772 253840.