A CAT was rescued from a burning house by firefighters last night.

Police are investigating the blaze at Princess Street, Nelson, which they believe was started deliberately.

The owner was out with her two dogs when the fire broke out in the kitchen of her rented house at 6pm.

A neighbour informed fire crews that the owner and her animals may have still been inside the terraced house when they attended the scene.

Firefighters searched the house and found a cat trapped inside the heavily smoke logged kitchen.

Sub officer Mark Woodward said: "Luckily a neighbour came out to tell us that there might have been a woman and her animals inside the house. With this information we sent in two crews to search the house.

"They found the cat and brought it outside where it came round after being treated by paramedics.

"There were signs of forced entry into the house and we found several pockets of fire which we and the police are investigating.

"Residents from three adjoining houses had to be evacuated for around half an hour while we ventilated the properties.

"The owner didn't have a smoke alarm fitted which could have alerted us to the fire sooner."

Anybody wanting a free smoke alarm fitted in their home can contact Nelson Fire station on 01282 612312.