ACCRINGTON market hall could be refurbished after traders drew up a wishlist of improvements.

Traders who met at the first sitting of a working group to discuss the proposals said they would like the floor of the building, in Blackburn Road, to be replaced.

Other ideas included an upgrade of traders' toilets and other communal areas, upgrading of windows, installation of a ramp to the market hall cellars and levelling of the floors in the cellar's corridors.

The group is asking Hyndburn Council to include the works on the Grade II listed building in its capital programme for the next three years, although no costings have been revealed yet.

It is also seeking outside funding for the possible installation of a lift between the ground and first floors.

The plans are outlined in a report to be put before the town's regeneration board on Thursday.

In the report, Nigel Rix, the council's regeneration chief, said: "Following the completion of the new outdoor market pavilions, kiosks and stalls, the refurbishment of the market hall is the logical next step in the continued regeneration of Accrington town centre."