SO FAR so good. The draw at Wigan is perhaps the strongest sign yet that the lads have turned the corner.

I know from experience the difference a few games undefeated can make to morale in the camp.

You get an air of invincibility about you and that, as much as any training, puts a spring back in the step.

What particularly pleases me though is how the lads are standing up to some of the strong arm tactics some opponents are trying.

Wigan are a no-nonsense side who have made their mark in the First Division by flexing their muscles.

Canadian man-mountain Jason De Vos personifies Paul Jewell's side - while Jason Jarrett in midfield seemed on a mission throughout Saturday's game to wind up as many people as possible - including an outrageous barge on Ian Moore that nearly put him in Wigan General!

They aren't the first side to try and knock the Clarets out of their stride in recent weeks though.

Mansfield tried their bully-boy tactics in the FA Cup game early last month, but were soon swatted like flies.

West Brom are one of the strongest teams I've seen for a while and it's little wonder so many opponents roll over and die.

But once again Burnley stood up to be counted and earned a creditable draw that could, with a little luck, have been more.

It's a trait the lads are going to need to continue over the coming months as the games don't get any easier.

Many of the promotion-chasing sides still have to come to Turf Moor and they chase a place in the Premiership - something guaranteed to make you get stuck in.

But knowing Stan, he will make sure the lads are up for the fight.