RESIDENTS and motorists in the Darwen area are being urged to make sure their property is locked up securely after an increase in thefts.

Sgt Anne Scott, from Darwen police station, today urged people to secure their vehicles and outbuildings to prevent themselves becoming a victim of burglary.

She said: "It isn't a huge problem but the number of break-ins in sheds and vans has increased recently and we just want to let people know so they can be extra vigilant.

"We have been having a few vans broken into where people have left power tools in them. People need to remove everything from view especially in vans which seem to be the target."

The latest incident was in daylight in Queen's Road on Saturday when a van was broken into and tools stolen. This followed a similar theft in Hodgson Street overnight on Friday.

Sheds are also being targeted, particularly in the Lower Darwen area.

Sgt Scott said: "We are having a few garden sheds broken into at the moment. We are asking members of the public to ensure they have sturdy locks on their doors or even small alarms that go off when doors open.

"A shed at Lower Darwen Primary School was broken into overnight on Friday. Nothing was stolen but this is just one of example. A garden shed was also broken into in Dahlia Close on Friday morning and golf clubs and tools were stolen."

Anyone with information about the thefts should contact the police on 01254 51212.