GRAFFITI which is making an area of Darwen look untidy will only be removed if the words are racist or offensive, a councillor has been told.

Coun Karimeh Foster received several complaints from residents who had spotted the graffiti, which consists of scrawlings and names, on a wall in Whitehall Park.

But when she contacted Blackburn with Darwen Council, she was told the wall was on private land and would only be removed if it was racist or offensive.

Coun Foster said she was amazed by the response: "I contacted the environment department and they rang me back after two days after going up to the park to look at the graffiti.

"They confirmed there was graffiti but said they couldn't do anything about it because it was not racist. They also said they were not sure if the land was private or council-owned.

"A council officer said that if the land is private, it is the owner's problem.

"They said they would try to approach the owners about it. They need to convey to them that it's for the good of everyone to remove it.

"People should make a bit more effort. I am a bit annoyed about the whole situation and that the council will not clean it up.

"It is not just in my ward where there is a problem with graffiti. I tried to make the point to the council that there should be a policy for graffiti whether racist or not.

"It looks really untidy and lowers the tone of the whole area. Whether the graffiti is offensive or not, people pay their council tax and should be given something back by the council."

Coun Foster also brought the matter up at the full council meeting where she questioned council policy on graffiti and asked what they intended to do about it.

Sally MacAllister, neighbourhood services manager, today said: "The graffiti in question is on a privately owned property.

"It is the policy of the council to remove only racist or offensive graffiti from privately owned property, with the permission of the owner."