ROSSENDALE Chartists are issuing their own guidance on the Local Government Review in a bid to give residents information about the Boundary Commission changes.

The Rossendale pressure-group claim the council have not given citizens enough advice to participate in the changes.

A review of Parliamentary seats in Lancashire and a new map of council wards have been drawn up by the commission.

The commission wants to increase the number of constituencies in Lancashire from 15 to 16, with an average of just over 67,000 voters in each.

The Chartists feel their guidance will give residents the information they need to form an opinion about the changes.

Brenda Wilkinson, of the Chartists, said: "According to the council it has not had time over the past six months, with 500 staff available, to do this work to help people participate in this highly important issue for the future of our district.

"The Chartists have pulled our 'community briefing' together in less than a week.

"In our briefing, we set out the criteria used by the Boundary Committee for its draft recommendations.

"We then identify the criteria used by Rossendale Council, based on statements made by councillors on the issue.

"Finally, we list other criteria that have been raised by citizens in the limited debate to date.

People can look at the briefing on the website or get a copy by telephoning 01706 228413 or 01706 231522.