A PASSENGER smashed a window and jumped out of a moving taxi because he was frightened of what the driver might be planning to do, a court heard.

Blackburn magistrates were told that Damian O'Callaghan and his friends became concerned after the driver activated the central locking after speaking to his base in his own language. And the court was told the driver had been "economical" with the truth of the situation.

O'Callaghan, 21, of Laxey Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to damaging two car windows belonging to Liagat Hussain. He was given a conditional discharge for 12 months and ordered to pay £150 compensation and £55 compensation.

Tom Snape, prosecuting, said Mr Hussain had collected three males and a female to take to Hurstwood Avenue and then to Highercroft. He told them the fare was£8 and asked for it in advance. He was only given £4.65 and told them to get out of his taxi.

"O'Callaghan punched the glass panel behind the driver and then smashed the passenger window," said Mr Snape. "Mr Hussain then headed back towards town with O'Callaghan still on board. He radioed for help."

Stephen Parker, defending, said the taxi driver had missed out several elements. He said the friends had given £4.65 and then, after stopping at a cash machine, had handed him a £5 note. "He said he wouldn't give the change until the journey was over and they said that wasn't right," said Mr Parker. "The taxi driver took umbrage and activated the central locking. He then got on his radio and spoke in a language other than English before turning the round."

He said that in the taxi driver's statement he mentioned someone getting out of the taxi. "What he didn't say is that person got out by smashing a window," said Mr Parker. "He was getting extremely angry and damaged the second window in a fit of temper."