IT was a poignant trip down Memory Lane when the first-ever head girl of Elton High School made an emotional return visit after nearly five decades.

Mrs Anne Carroll was invited back to the Bury school, which is currently planning its 50th anniversary celebrations to be held in the summer.

And the mother-of-one has been asked to open a garden party which will climax the reunion event on Saturday, July 10.

The 63-year-old retired sales office manager, of Ferndene Road, Prestwich, renewed her links with Elton High School after reading a story in the Bury Times at the end of last year.

"The article said the school would be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2004," said Mrs Carroll. " I phoned up and asked if they were going to do anything and things just snowballed from there."

Elton High was established at its present site in Walshaw Road in 1954. Before then, the school was located nearby and also embraced infant and primary departments.

"I had been head girl at All Saints primary before I came to Elton," recalled Mrs Carroll. "So, I was chosen twice. I was really proud. I left Elton High at the age of 15 in 1955."

Her return visit was the first time she had set foot in the building since then.

"Obviously, virtually everything had changed. But I did recognise the main hall and the corridor leading off there."

She is delighted to be invited to officially open the 50th anniversary celebration garden party.

She has fond memories of her school days. Mrs Carroll said: "To be honest, I found school easy. I loved it. I also liked sport when I was there and was captain of the rounders and netball teams."

During her visit to Elton, she was welcomed by staff and also met some of the pupils.

A grand reunion of past pupils will take place at the Bolholt Country Park Hotel on Friday, July 9, with the garden party to be staged at the school the following day.