REGARDING the 'rape' on Bolton Road, Blackburn.

I am a ratepayer, I pay for police service to protect the innocent as does very other ratepayer in this borough. The young woman has made a jackass out of the police, press, the system and countless others who will have spent valuable wasted time with her re the allegations.

I find it incredible that she has only been given a caution, her actions have made a lot of young women in the Blackburn area frightened of walking out at night.

It has caused a lot of distress for people in the areas surrounding the alleged site of the rape.

It has done nothing to make the people of Blackburn feel proud about, there has been a lot of bad press over the past couple of years with genuine attacks, murders, attempted drowning on Bolton Road and its near vicinity.

I feel this person and any others who waste such police time, should be made to pay for the cost of the resultant investigation etc. -- this will be the only deterrent to stop a repeat of this -- this person has had her 15 minutes of fame (she should be made to pay for it).

I am a female, I live within a 15 minute walk of the area as mentioned and I am very angry at the upset/distress brought upon myself and many others in the area as a result of this person's lies.

I feel she should be made an example of, her name should be disclosed to protect any other males who may come in contact with her in the future.

Most importantly ,she should be made to pay for the cost of the resources/costs incurred as a result of her actions.