AT the annual meeting of the Mothers' Union the ladies planned exciting and varied activities for the coming year.

Following fast on the heels of an interesting and entertaining evening with Steve Martin about safety in the home, 'Hats for all occasions' will be the theme of the next Mothers' Union meeting on February 17. The owner of 'Get Ahead, Get a Hat' will bring a selection of hats to illustrate her talk. The meeting is open to all ladies.

CHAIRMAN of the Parish Council, Coun Tony Lambert, is leading the fight to keep Worsthorne toilets open and would welcome residents letting him know their views.

THIRTY eight members of the Rainbows enjoyed Snow White at Burnley Mechanics and were complimented by staff on their behaviour. A number of Rainbows will be moving up to Brownies which will open up opportunities for new membersaged five to seven years. Rainbow meetings are held on Wednesday and Thursday evenings between 5.15pm and 6.15pm.detail,s from Linda on 412682.

MASSAGE, dancing and food are being offered by the Wine Circle to attract new members. Visitors are invited to join the Wine Circle on their Open Nights. On February 9 there will be a talk on massaging with a demonstration of the Indian Head Massage. On February 21 there will be a social dance and supper with tickets available for £7.50. A cookery demonstration by Lynda and June will be held on March 8. In February the Wine Circle will be mashing and brewing new wines and judging more mature samples.

WORSTHORNE Ringers have sent off their old bells to be refurbished at Whitechapel Bells in London, and expect a report on what needs doing in the next few weeks. Over the last 12 months they have raised a considerable amount of money to pay for the refurbishment.

THE Mothers' Union has planned varied activities for the coming year. Following fast on the heels of an interesting and entertaining evening with Steve Martin about safety in the home, 'Hats for all occasions' will be the theme of the next Mothers' Union meeting on February 17. The owner of 'Get Ahead, Get a Hat' will bring a selection of hats to illustrate her talk. The meeting is open to all ladies.