A 100-year-old is shaking off the years by taking part in a keep-fit class for the first time in her life.

Grandmother-of-seven Mary Coupe is an active participant in the weekly class held for members of the older women's action group at Ashiana Lodge sheltered accommodation, Audley Close, Nelson.

The former mill-worker, who puts her good health down to "working hard and never stopping," joins in the arm, leg, neck and facial exercises from an armchair.

The all-women group was formed last September with help from Activate Pendle, part of the Burnley Pendle and Rossendale Primary Care Trust, as a discussion forum for people to learn more about taking care of their health.

The members, aged between 75 and 100, expressed an interest in exercise, but were unable to access most of the classes available locally.

Lancashire County Council and Activate Pendle responded to the women's plea by supplying an instructor to take weekly classes in the lounge.

Mary said: "It's a real laugh and I enjoy doing the exercises. I've never done anything like that before. I mostly do them sitting down and I can't do too much, but it's still good fun.

"We have all become good friends and it's nice to have a cup of tea together afterwards."

Fellow exerciser Doris Anderson, 76, said: "Mary is a star and she does as much as she can. Everybody really enjoys the sessions. It's the only time of the week some of us get any exercise at all and we certainly feel healthier."

Dorothy Chippendale, who also attends the classes, said: "It's great for me because sometimes I would just be on my own in my room if I didn't come here."

Community development worker Halima Sardar said: "The women are very motivated and I have really enjoyed working with them. For some of them it is the first time they have done any exercise. There are a lot of different exercises they can do and it all helps."