CROOKS responsible for the theft of several Ford Fiestas in Colne are thought to have stolen an eighth vehicle in under four weeks.

The most recent was of a blue J-registered vehicle from Varley Street, which was taken on Saturday or Sunday, and recovered in Byron Street.

Seven other vehicles have been stolen from Elllesmere Avenue, Milton Road, Norfolk Street, West Street, Bath Street, Granville Street, Gordon Street and North Street since January 10.

Most were valued at between £200 and £700 and have been recovered nearby.

Police have warned Fiesta drivers, particularly those with older models, to take extra security precautions and be aware they may be more likely than usual to be stopped by police.

Acting Inspector Chris Saville said: "These cars may not be the most valuable but the crime can still have a devastating impact on people's lives.

"This is clearly a spate of incidents and we are putting a huge amount of time and effort into trying to catch those responsible.

"I would advise Fiesta owners to take extra security measures and be aware they may be subject to more interest than usual from police officers."

Anyone with information about the thefts should call Colne Police on 01282 863161.