A DISTRAUGHT dad today spoke of his devastation after his son was killed in a car smash.

Neil Ashman spoke after school pals of a teenage girl also killed in the crash had laid flowers in her memory at the scene.

Simon Ashman, 20, was killed along with 16-year-old friend Chantelle Petterson when the van in which they were travelling hit a wall outside Haslingden Sports Centre, Helmshore Road, at 11.20pm on Sunday.

The pair were flung from the white Metro, along with 22-year-old David Cummings, of Lime Road, Haslingden, who sustained serious internal injuries. A fourth person who was in the car and received minor injuries was arrested by police on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving but he has now been released without charge.

Simon's dog, Wicked, was also badly injured and has undergone three operations.

Simon's father Neil, 50, a semi-professional DJ, of Chester Crescent, Haslingden, said: "There is going to be a full investigation. It will go right to the wire, this one. But that won't bring my son back.

"I've had it. I am devastated. I just can't handle this. Simon was there for me and there's a space now where nobody's there."

Simon, a former pupil of Broadway Primary and Castlebrook and Irlam high schools, was not working at the time of his death.

The passionate Liverpool supporter, who will be buried in his replica shirt, was last seen by his father just hours earlier, walking tan cross-breed Wicked.

Neil said: "They're pretty certain he died at the scene of the accident. They tried to resuscitate and in the ambulance as well. I got word that Wicked had been run over, then the second call came five minutes later to say I had to go to the hospital because my son had been involved as well. I didn't know how serious it was before I went to the hospital and was given the news."

Pupils at Chantelle's school, Haslingden High, have added flowers to a tribute at the crash site.

The popular student, who also lived in Chester Crescent but at a different address, was studying for her GCSEs. Staff at the school said help has been given to pupils following the tragedy.

Eve Challinger, acting headteacher, said: "Chantelle was a bright and popular student with a good sense of humour and who touched many of our lives.

"She had a promising future ahead of her. She was particularly interested in the performing arts and took part in a number of extra-curricular activities including our evening of fashion and dance in July. She was a stylish young lady.

"Pastoral teams were available during the afternoon to help students to come to terms with this tragic event. We are sending flowers to the family and will be attending the funeral if the family wishes us to. We send our condolences to Chantelle's mum and to her family."

Police teams are still investigating the crash and are appealing for witnesses.

It is believed the white Metro van was travelling in close proximity to a second vehicle, also thought to be a white Metro. Police are particularly keen to speak with a person travelling in a Fiesta who stopped to help after the accident.

Contact Sergeant Gregory on 01772 472431.