A 23-YEAR-OLD drinker who attacked another man in late-night dispute over a dropped kebab has been jailed for four months.

Blackburn magistrates were told that Christopher Jones was punched as he stepped over a tray of food that had been dropped on the pavement.

The force of the blow sent him sprawling against a shop window and he momentarily passed out. But the court was told the attack ended as suddenly as it had started after an off-duty police officer, who had witnessed the incident, intervened.

Duncan Johnston, 23, of Haslingden Old Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to assaulting Mr Jones, causing him actual bodily harm. Pat Bramley, prosecuting, said Mr Jones was on his way to get some supper and was aware of a commotion in Darwen Street but didn't pay much attention.

"He suddenly felt excruciating pain down the left side of his face," said Miss Bramley. "He believes he may have blacked out and the next thing he knew his face was resting against a shop window and his vision was blurred.

"It seems the defendant had been involved in an altercation and someone else had knocked his kebab out of his hand."

Stephen Parker, defending, said his client accepted he had been drinking and his actions and recollection of events had been clouded by alcohol.

"This was a single punch and there is no suggestion he tried to follow it up with any further violence," said Mr Parker.