AMID all the discussion about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the Hutton report and the alleged lies from Downing Street everyone seems to be missing the real point.

Not once has Tony Blair stated that he KNEW that there were WMDs in Iraq, just that he BELIEVED that there were. So he took us into a war against Iraq that the majority of the country was against on a belief and not a fact.

Do we want a leader who commits this country to a course of action because he BELIEVES that information available to him means that it is the right thing to do? Or would we prefer a leader who KNOWS what he is doing is the right thing to do?

He also believes that pensioners are underpaid, so does that mean that we can look forward to a substantial increase in what this government laughingly calls a pension?

I know what my choice would be -- so goodbye Mr Blair you have spun once too often.

JAMES BUCKLEY, Holden Fold, Darwen.