ITALIAN police have arrested a man in connection with the sending of letter bombs to Euro officials, including Radcliffe MEP Gary Titley.

Officers believe 25-year-old Luca Farris may have sent a package containing threats to European Commission President Romano Prodi's home in Bologna last month.

They are now investigating whether Farris may have had a role in the letter bombs sent to Mr Titley's office in Spring Lane, Radcliffe, and the headquarters of other EU officials.

Mr Titley's wife, Charo, suffered slight hand burns when the package exploded on January 5. Mr Titley, who is leader of Britain's Labour MEPs in Europe, was at home at the time preparing to fly out to Brussels.

Farris was arrested in Sardinia by police probing shadowy anarchist groups suspected of sending the bombs. Farris is accused of criminal association against the democratic system.

He was picked up at his family's home in Assemini, a town on Sardinia's southern coast. Investigators have linked the letter bombs to the previously unknown Informal Anarchic Federation.

The group has claimed responsibility for some of the attacks.