A DRINK driver caught out by police had only passed his driving test two weeks before, a court was told.

Burnley magistrates heard how Zamshed Miah, 23, told police he had had a bottle of WKD alcopop.

Miah, of Brougham Street, admitted driving with excess alcohol. The defendant, who was of previous good character, was fined £220, banned for 12 months and told to pay £55 costs.

Andy Robinson, prosecuting, told the court, police saw a vehicle travelling towards Burnley town centre in front of them. It appeared to have accident damage and the break lights seemed to come on for no reason.

As the car approached a garage it came almost to a stop. Officers spoke to the defendant, who appeared to have had some alcohol. He told them he had had a bottle of WKD.

Mr Robinson said a roadside breath test proved positive and Miah was arrested and taken to the police station. There he gave two more samples, the lowest of which showed 56 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 mililitres of breath. The legal limit is 35.